Fast Blinking Hello Kitty Too Young | Lembaran Baru

Too Young


I was too young to know what was going on at that time,

I was too young to force something that I knew it will never work,


I was too young to feel all the guilty pressure after that time.

I was too young to cry along with some sad songs thinking it really relates to my story.

I was too young to blame myself for the situation:

I'm not enough, I'm not enough, and I'll never be enough.

Til’ someday, 

I was too young to realise: I've never done anything wrong, but you're the one who always lose.

I’m too young to know if ‘love’ will come and go easily so I never let them into my memory.

I‘m too young to become a very selfish and cold-hearted person,

and I’m too young to understand if some tragedy could change to a misery.

Even though everything that happened was change me,

I NEVER too young to realise if God has a very perfect time, never early and never late.

Those tragedies and memories were the perfect lesson for me to always have faith.


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