Fast Blinking Hello Kitty Keep Rising - Keep Growing | Lembaran Baru

Keep Rising - Keep Growing


People fall, rise, and shine.

Life is a roller coaster. I, you, and we are just like movie actors without a scenario, never understand how it goes. However, our job is still trying to be the best actor. 

People fail, learn, and grow.

As we know, humans will never learn if they never experienced failure and despair. We will never be growing up before facing trouble. 

Sometimes we got hurt, feeling unwanted. That’s normal. All of us ever feels those. 

But the points are… how can we learn not to repeat the same mistakes? How can we grow from a journey we had? This is why we should call “lessons are overpriced.”

  • Take a risk and work hard to pay the price
  • It's ok to fail, even Bill Gates ever facing his failure
  • Experience is the best teacher. If we never have any experience = we have no ‘real’ teacher.
  • Allow yourself the freedom to fail
  • Let the fear of failure guide you to success


People have different perspectives about the definition of success. We might think what we already had right now is still far from our ‘success.’ But, another person who only saw our ‘lifestyle’ might think we already have ‘a world.’ 

Based on that, never feel we have achieved success even though other people see you have been at the highest peak. Keep trying, learning, sharing, and stay grateful.