Fast Blinking Hello Kitty Once a Cheater, Will Always Be a..... | Lembaran Baru

Once a Cheater, Will Always Be a.....

If someone asks me, "What’s your biggest regret in 2020?"

Loving someone that I thought will be my last.

Loving someone that I thought will be my right partner to spend my life with.

I love too soon,

I trust too fast,

I talk too much,

Last, I fall too deep.

And it hurts me, so much.

2020 was a year full of happiness for me, but I hate how 2020 ended the year.

My last relationship taught me so hard.

If I could say, he's too good to be true person, his manner, his acts. He always treated me well (and all his exes too ya 😜) at first.

We rarely argue, we had a healthy relationship also. 

We look like a happily ever after partner.

Until one of my friends once told me, “gak ada yang orang yang sempurna, tinggal tunggu waktu lu tau bobroknya dia, kurangnya dia apa, dan semoga gak parah” and I didn't believe her at the moment. 

Till this day, I still hate the way he left me. 

Cheating, unfaithful.

He was hanging out with another girl and he told me “I’m sleeping”. 

The next day, he told me: we need to go in separate ways. Yes, split up. 

Dude, like...really? I've asked him to broke up before and he didn't want to. 

But then he did it to me,

he always did it to all his exes.

It’s almost two months since we broke up.

He has dated two girls after our relationship ended.

I’ve been apologized him.

But, he officially left me a traumatized.


Thank you.

Someone said,

"Once a liar, will always be a liar.

Once a cheater, will always be a cheater."


There's no definition about ‘too good to be true person’ everyone has their own sore. 

Don't be surprised if you find it out. 

I’m enjoying my single status right now because I can build my own happiness. But I don't deny, if someday I need to find a people to share my happiness with too, at the right time.

I write it sambil makan mie goreng and no tears fell. Cheers 🥂

*from: @mutiacresclim's Instagram stories